Bill O'Reilly: Propaganda Pimp: "In a roomful of egomaniacal bloviating pundits, Bill O'Reilly would stand out as a towering infernal display of delusional demagoguery. His crusading rants are illustrative of a society that is weakened by a disease (a social disease?) whose predominant symptoms are a mash of masochism and narcissism. Almost any random sampling of The O'Reilly Fester will reveal a man obsessed with his own righteousness. He views himself as the singular savior of America's meek, who he refers to simply as the 'Folks.'"
(Hit the link above for the rest)
Whatever you do, don't miss the Stalking Points Memos
Another Kennedy Killing
The new Republican orthodoxy on vaccination claims what will definitely not
be its last fatality: An unvaccinated New Mexico adult who tested positive
1 hour ago
Tried to watch the NoSpin Zone once, but my head spun, the tv screen rotated and the clocks gained 36 hours. Never saw so much spinning in my life!!
Yeah, that's the nature of the billobeast... 8>)
Whats wrong with issuing propaganda during a time of war?
Since the government is so slack somebody has to.
Hell, this website is nothing but leftwing propaganda and guilty of each of the following points...
Name calling
Glittering generalities
Card stacking
The pot shouldnt call the kettle black.
By the way, thanks for dropping by my blog.
I thought you went to the North Pole for the summer.
See ya
Actually, I find O'Reilly mild compared to some of his guests. He does take a look at the evidence, though he loses his cool every now and then.
Burkean Reflections
Unlike some folk we know, I never claimed to be infalable, FN... 8>) I do on occasion post others egaging in in propagandistic techniques (& yes, sometimes I even engage in them, myself), and admit so when confronted...
I'll cop to namecalling freely, but would be interested in an example or two of my using each of the rest you list... I'd also be interested in your opinion about whether your site (or Mike's, if you prefer) also engages in such methods...
As far as the North Pole: No, I just took some time away from the blogesphere for a bit. I had other things going on...
"Actually, I find O'Reilly mild compared to some of his guests. He does take a look at the evidence, though he loses his cool every now and then."
Unless things've changed a whole lot since I childlocked Fox off my cablebox (I can get to it if I need to, but I can't recall the last time I felt the need), My reaction to Billo differs from yours, Mr Douglas. The only Cons I find more regularly unhinged than Mr Bill are Ms. Coulter and Michael Wiener (Savage). I agree with the original link; Billo is the Father Coughlin of our time...
Your milage is welcome to vary, of course...
Hey: O'Reilly got into a debate with Michelle Malkin the other day over immigration. He argued that not everyone who comes here illegally should be deported, and to that Malkin was up in arms. He's blustery alright, but he tends to be fair more often than you'd suspect.
I think you don't like him in the traditional liberal fashion of demonizing the enemy, but correct me if I'm wrong!
Hey, swing by my blog later for some comments. I'd be obliged to have you over there for some good, honest exchanges of opinion.
Burkean Reflections
I simply think he's a bully & a blowhard, Don... I don't appreciate people who so seldom admit error, and are so seldom swayed by fact.
I believe his moralizing about others (particularly involving sex, given his own troubles in that regard) are hypocritical.
That said, he isn't always wrong. Occasionally, he can be personable, too. But I don't find him entertaining, or in any way worth spending my TV viewing time time consuming...
Thanks for the invitation to visit your blog, sir. Actually I have been, though I have not as yet commented. (Still taking in the atmosphere, there... ...and no one's piqued my fingers enough to dance...)
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