Am I a United States citizen?
It’s true I was born in Colorado Springs, or so they tell me, but on the
other hand Trump issued the following executive order today: Sec. 2.
Policy. (a)...
1 hour ago
Repsac3, this comment may be off-thread and I hope you will forgive my leaving it here. There was no other place I could think of leaving it.
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The last time I checked Baghdad Burning was in April 2007 when the bloggist and her family were preparing to leave Iraq. Her blog is a deeply personal, brooding diary of events that have transpired since the American occupation. I have often thought of this gifted and articulate young woman, her family, and how they were surviving their ordeal. Last week, there was a new post (dated September 6, 2007). She writes:
I said goodbye to my desk - the one I’d used all through high school and college. I said goodbye to the curtains and the bed and the couch. I said goodbye to the armchair E. and I broke when we were younger. I said goodbye to the big table over which we’d gathered for meals and to do homework. I said goodbye to the ghosts of the framed pictures that once hung on the walls, because the pictures have long since been taken down and stored away - but I knew just what hung where. I said goodbye to the silly board games we inevitably fought over - the Arabic Monopoly with the missing cards and money that no one had the heart to throw away.
I knew then as I know now that these were all just items- people are so much more important. Still, a house is like a museum in that it tells a certain history. You look at a cup or stuffed toy and a chapter of memories opens up before your very eyes.
She survived her passage into Syria where a new life awaits. One would have to be a stone to read her story without shedding a tear. Well worth reading, please check her blog Baghdad Burning at:
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