TRUTH 101 said...
No offense to the guys I generally side with, but gang, this is hilarious. When will we ever see a University Professor do a post about gang buttlicking in a hotel conference room. And even add pictures. For a long time I thought I would hate it if one of my kids was stuck in a classroom with this stuck up blowhard. (Nothing tawdry meant by the word "blowhard" Don.) But now I see him for the fun loving guy he is. Bottoms up Professor!
January 15, 2009 8:14 PM
Truth ain't just whistlin' Dixie...
All across Right Blogistan, clear-eyed, moral, tradition-loving conservatives are posting photos and descriptions of gay sex acts, after this one single website--Americans for Truth (about homosexuality)--alleged that an organization was promoting a "pig sex" event for homosexual "leather boys," (if you don't know about "pig sex" or "leather boys," you'll have to use the google, or ask one of the Cons listed below.) taking place at a DC hotel the weekend of the inauguration. That's right, there might be gay sex taking place in Washington while Barrack Obama is in the same city!!! As Steve Doocy would say, "this. is. HUGE!!!" at least if one is to go by the reaction of some on the winged-N-nutty side the blogosphere.
Just a smattering of the Cons seemingly gettin' a happy from having an excuse to be licentious, and share it with their closest wingnut friends:
(As I said, all of these blogs take their cues from the same one unsubstantiated story on the same one website, and seem to enjoy the naughtiness of posting the pix & descriptions of this shocking behavior. These people need lives... or perhaps sex partners who ain't named "righty" or "lefty".)
American Power: Gay Activists Plan Obama Inaugural Celebrations
‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week - Say Anything: Reader Blogs
Inaugural Pig Sex - Giovanni’s World
Facta, Non Verba "Deeds, Not Words" Conservative Blog: Homosexuals Plan "Pig Sex" Orgy for Obama Inauguration to Celebrate the 'Election' of the Most Pro-Gay President Ever
Homosexuals To Celebrate Obama’s Inaguration With Sex Orgy - Aphiemi’s Weblog
And perhaps my favorite (Don't get jealous, Donald):
Big lick news: Sick, Sick, Sick!! Doubetree hotel in Washinton DC is allowing a "Pig party" in thier conference rooms as gay men "cheer" Obama's inauguation
(Great... An outfit called "Big Lick News" is going to explain why rimming is sick... Anyone else find that as funny as I do? And for extra Doocy-HUGE bonus laughs, check out the picture of the guy--perhaps ol' "Big Lick," himself--wearing the "Rimming... It's the shit" tee-shirt. Yikes!)
Events from Seoul
South Koreans doing what needs to be done. As news that investigators are
advancing inside the compound spreads to the crowd outside, Yoon’s
supporters a...
10 hours ago
I love the Honest Reporting at Big Lick where he manages to misspell three words in the title to the piece. That's reporting you can believe in.
But, I really stopped over to wish you success with the "American Nihilist." I really believe that it's time someone stood up for the nihilists who are working to destroy this country. I do hope you're not going to give short shrift to the denialists and post-modernists, tho.
As a fellow nihilist, you're welcome to become a co-blogger. Post as little (even none, cause that's the nihilist way) or as much as you want...
I just think it'd be sweet to fill up the team list with as many folks from Nero's "enemies" list as possible, and chances are slim that Andrew Sullivan or Glenn Greenwald will be willing...
While it started as a goof, I think it might be interesting, besides...
E-mail me if you've any interest:
I have no particular infatuation with all of this gay liberation sex. I found the website in question by Google via the Fox Story at my blog. I don't refer to any of these other right wing bloggers, and I've not read their posts for accuracy or confirmation of my opinion, if that were to be the case.
The fact is the gay agenda is part and parcel to Obama's accession to power. He boasts the most aggressive gay rights platform in history, and the lovetrain partying this weekend is in celebratory confirmation of this fact.
It's telling that you find this all fun and games, Repsac3, and not rather an indication of how truly vile the secular progressive agenda, discourse, and practice is. You can no more distance yourself from the gay activists partying this weekend than a newborn baby can abandon its mother.
It's an indication as well of your vacuity that you have to call out reinforcements to defend yourself against "charges" of nihilism. It funny, actually, but oddly flattering in a strange way, your fascination and obssession with American Power, nonetheless. You've been warned as well by co-bloggers to stay away, but the AmPower brilliance and magnetism draws you back.
You're too much, Reppy...
OK, so first, their fear and revulsion does not acutally concern homosexuals but, in fact, is possibly a fantasy weekend imagined by SM practitioners. Heavy emphasis on the FANTASY part. I'd say those pix are staged or more likely, have something to do with an old asylum.
No doubt homosexuals WILL be having sex in Washington along with some heterosexuals ---
Geez! These people need to get a real life!
"...the lovetrain partying this weekend is in celebratory confirmation of this fact."
No Donald, it isn't. They have that s&m "event" every year, on MLK weekend. It's in the story you posted, for God's sake... You're "sexing" up the story for effect, again...
Like Truth, I do think it very funny that Con bloggers are discussing & describing gay group rim jobs & posting pix of sex chairs & other devices. Despite your protestations to the contrary, I think it appeals to the prurient interests of some of the bloggers in question, perhaps including you, even...
That said, who cares what I think? For that matter, who cares what you think? Folks can read the posts and make up their own minds...
I don't find gay s&m all that much more nasty than straight s&m. And as long as they're doing whatever they do behind closed doors, I really don't care what consenting male or female adults do to get their rocks off, unless I'm one of the consenting adults. I find it creepy that you & some of your Con friends do, and are so willing to "infiltrate, & take pictures." That says something about you folks that is perhaps best left for your DocSanity to decipher.
The "gay activists" partying this weekend are not the s&m leather boys at the Doubletree. (In fact, it's quite likely that, given the inauguration, the majority of those folks will be Cons like yourself--or perhaps Cons more like Ted Haggard than you, but Cons spouting the same moralistic drivel as you & he... ...when off of/out from under the rimming chairs, anyway...)
The activists will be outside, holding parades & rallies in support of their causes, & in hope that the new President cares more about inalienable rights than the old one, and will act in ways that prove it. Even your Fox News article recognizes that fact... I'm kinda surprised that you are so unwilling to acknowledge the same...
"...that you have to call out reinforcements to defend yourself against"charges" of nihilism. It funny, actually, but oddly flattering in a strange way, your fascination and obssession with American Power, nonetheless."
Donald... Can you really not see that we're laughing at you? Your NeoRaven-like chirpings of "Nihilist!" "Nihilist!" aimed at everyone with whom you disagree, and your unwillingness & inability to back much of what you say has made you seem weak & ineffective.
Add to that your false bravado--puffing yourself up with stories of anonymous readers who write you privately to tell you they think you're just the shit, or suggestions that serving in a classroom in CA is as brave and noble as serving in a warzone overseas--and folks like us, the people for whom you're ostensibly telling these stories, think you more & more pathetic.
I thought it'd be nice to get together with the other folks at whom you've bleated "nihilist!", without a shred of backing proof, so that it'd be easier for us to all laugh together. You certainly don't need to like it... In fact, I wouldn't like it at all, were I you...
You've been warned as well by co-bloggers to stay away,...
Donald... It's because they think you're crazy, and a waste of my time... (Do you need me to actually cite the postings?) Often, I think they're correct, btw...
... but the AmPower brilliance and magnetism draws you back.
No... It's the joy I get in trouncing you over & over again... I only go there because you don't leave your "home" all that often...
You're wrong, Reppy, as usual, as my reference is the Fox Story and the various sources there:
"Unprecedented inaugural celebrations for President-elect Barack Obama by gay activist groups, social organizations and ordinary citizens suggests many view Obama's election as a signal of a forthcoming sea change for the gay rights movement in America.
The Rev. Gene Robinson, a gay Episcopal bishop, will say a prayer at an inaugural event at the Lincoln Monument on Sunday; a gay and lesbian marching band will take its place in the official presidential parade; and a slew of gay parties and inaugural balls will be held in the nation's capital before and after Obama takes the oath of office."
To pretend that the gay activists are only celebrated MLK is a joke. Washington will be flooded this weekend with people in town for the inaug. You're living your your world of denial once again.
But this is a riot:
"It's the joy I get in trouncing you over & over again..."
Reppy you flatter yourself. You're good at heaving insults and self-flagellation, that's it.
My commenters want to remain anonymous, and teaching is a public service, which you demean with your distortion of what I said.
Laugh all you want, Reppy. It's all a barrel of monkeys, your destruction of traditionalism. The licentiousness is right up your alley, and you'd rather attack freaked out "Cons" than actually defend the corrupt depravity of your party's key consituencies.
To pretend that the gay activists are only celebrated MLK is a joke. Washington will be flooded this weekend with people in town for the inaug. You're living your your world of denial once again.
I think you're suffering another of your famous bouts of willful misunderstanding... I never said that any gay person (activist or leatherboy) was celebrating MLK at all.
What I said was that the leather boys at the Doubletree about which you posted have this s&m shindig every year, on MLK weekend, and that that fact is in the Fox News story:
Gay America Prepares To Party at Obama Inauguration - "But not everyone shares their enthusiasm. LaBarbera’s group hopes to disrupt the Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend, held annually on Martin Luther King weekend for men with an interest in motorcycles and leather, by releasing details about the group’s plans."
Those folks have nothing to do with Obama's inauguration. They would likely still be there if McCain won the election & was being sworn in, or if there was no Presidential inauguration, at all.
The other gay folks, the gay activists, with the parades & the rallies, ARE there for the inauguration, but have no plans of doing anything untoward or unusual in hotel conference or guest rooms. (While I'm sure there will be straight & gay couples "enjoying each other's company" in DC that weekend, the rim jobs & other distasteful activities will not be any more or less pronounced or frequent than than any other weekend night in DC.
Got it, now?
Reppy you flatter yourself. You're good at heaving insults and self-flagellation, that's it.
I have no need of puffing myself up & bragging about "taking people down." I trust that folks, including the folks who read your blog, recognize the winners & losers of these little debates without either of us having to declare victory or admit defeat... They don't need to be told...
My commenters want to remain anonymous,
If you say so...
and teaching is a public service, which you demean with your distortion of what I said.
That conversation remains in my sidebar (near the bottom, currently) for all to see & evaluate for themselves. I invite all interested parties to check it out.
Laugh all you want, Reppy.
Thank you, I will...
It's all a barrel of monkeys, your destruction of traditionalism.
I don't believe I'm destroying anything worth saving. What you call traditionalism is bigotry (in this case, anyway), and I see no need to keep it safe. Those who believe homosexuality is wrong are not being forced to do anything "gay," or even to be supportive of those who are gay. All traditionalists need do is live their own lives, and let gay folks live theirs. As I've said repeatedly, why anyone cares what other folks do behind closed doors is beyond me, but I find it kinda creepy...
The licentiousness is right up your alley,...
How so?
...and you'd rather attack freaked out "Cons" than actually defend the corrupt depravity of your party's key consituencies.
As long as Cons like you say silly shit like that, you will continue to be correct about my calling you & your fellow "freakies" out...
I don't care what libs, cons, gays or straights do behind closed doors. As long as it's consensual, I really don't have any reason to defend or disparage anyone's "depravity" level aside those who've been behind my own closed doors. (& even then, it's no one else's business.)
How you can continue to claim that gay folks are Democrats--leaving aside the fact that I am a Green, and have never been a registered Democrat, though I did used to vote for some of 'em--given the gay Republican scandals of the last few years is mind boggling. The guy from Iran claiming there are no gays in his country has nothing on you, propaganda-wise... Do you just cover your eyes & ears & sing "God Bless America" at the top of your lungs when the Log Cabin Republicans hold press conferences, or what?
Like it or not, gay folks come from all walks of life, including from among your own political, social, & religious affiliations. That there are more of 'em in the more liberal & libertarian political parties has to do with who's willing to fight for their rights and their freedoms, not who's more licentious or nasty. (Neither party beats the other when it comes to moral or sexual failings... Both have had at least their fair share...)
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