This is a Wingnuts and Moonbats test post. If it works, there'll be one of these test posts for all of my blogs, and links to/from each of 'em, here:
American Nihilist - American Nihilist: American Nihilist Test Post
Immoderate Monk - Immoderate Monk: IM Test Post
Moderation is for Monks (temporary replacement for I.M. above): Moderation is for Monks: Monk Moderation Test Post
What'd I Say? - What'd I Say?: What'd I Say Test Post
Wingnuts & Moonbats - Wingnuts & Moonbats: Right-Wing Astroturf Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo: ‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’
With All Due Respect - With All Due Respect: WADR Test Post
Please don't read this. There is nothing interesting in this post.
(If you already have read it, I'm sorry. But you were warned.)
AmNi most recent: American Nihilist: Donald Douglas Sums Up The Con Opposition To Health Care Reform...
IM, most recent: Immoderate Monk: ObamaJoka & BushHitler: Another post on the posters
MM, most recent: Moderation is for Monks: The squeaky wheel...
WhatdISay, most recent: What'd I Say?: Roundup and Commentary - 8/4/09
With All Due Respect, most recent: With All Due Respect: Re: OBAMA SECRET SERVICE Pulls Guns On Conservative Tea Party Protesters In Bristol
And a sidebar blurb that used to make sense, before AmPow Don suddenly did away with all his haloscan comments (I'll hold onto it, in case comment # 120190, on the date in question, can be retrieved from the cybervoid, where it's probably floating to this very day):
The left: Anti-semantic but pro-grammar.
Urban Dictionary: Anti-semantic
NCAA immediately acts to implement total ban on trans athletes
Well, you can’t say this isn’t exactly the level of fortitude and
commitment to equality one expects from the peonage sports cartel: On
Wednesday, Donald...
8 hours ago