UPDATE: Damn... I have to learn to have patience with blogspot... When I posted this (& then sent the link to the guy with whom I was conversing), the second half of the comment wasn't in the thread over at Nero's blog. I thought he'd deleted it... Half hour later, it's there... I was wrong to think he cut me off... (I might not've, had he not done so before). I'm sorry I accused him, and that I did all this unnecessary maneuvering to get my thoughts posted & before the person to whom they were directed... Oh well...
The original post & comment thread are here and here. (I wish Nero would just grow up & let adults have in-depth conversations rather than counting words, but it is his blog, & his rules...)
You weren't talking about the current conflict.
I was talking about all conflicts, including Iraq...
You were coming off with one of these love, peace, and flowers lines.
Yeah, sorry about having ideals... Gosh fo'bid. Scurry on back to your regularly scheduled reality, and forget I said anything...
As far as Benedict XVI, he has never condemned the war in Iraq, nor has he called it unjust.
The War in Iraq - A Roman Catholic View - John Paul II and Benedict XVI on the War in Iraq: n the April 2003 issue of 30 Days, an Italian Catholic magazine, the future pope (then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger) made his opposition to the war known, while supporting Pope John Paul’s assessment of the justice of the war. He declared Pope John Paul’s position on the war to be “the thoughts of a man of conscience occupying the highest functions in the Catholic Church” and “the appeal of a conscience enlightened by the faith.”
Cardinal Ratzinger also argued that “reasons sufficient for unleashing a war against Iraq did not exist,” in part because:
"proportion between the possible positive consequences and the sure negative effect of the conflict was not guaranteed. On the contrary, it seems clear that the negative consequences will be greater than anything positive that might be obtained."
New Pope Benedict XVI a Strong Critic of War : After suggesting that perhaps it would be necessary to revise the Catechism section on just war (perhaps because it had been used by George Weigel and others to endorse a war the Church opposed), Ratzinger offered a deep insight that included but went beyond the issue of war Iraq:
"There were not sufficient reasons to unleash a war against Iraq. To say nothing of the fact that, given the new weapons that make possible destructions that go beyond the combatant groups, today we should be asking ourselves if it is still licit to admit the very existence of a 'just war'."
As for the death penalty, I suggest you read Humanae Vitae.
I will do so when I have time... though I think that summary of the Church's position from my last comment was pretty clear...
I am curious, though. Being a Catholic myself, I am surrounded by smug, self-righteous latte liberal Catholics who are always whining about Iraq and the death penalty, yet have no problem with using birth control -- which the Church opposes as violently as it does abortion -- or speaking of, murdering their own children. Cafeteria Catholics have no business quoting the positions of the Church, since they feel they can ignore the Church when it suits their purposes.
Yeah, but the point of my last few comments is that that kinda hypocritical thinking goes both ways... Save the unborn, so they can die in war, or be put to death at another's hand for breaking the laws of man... Life is life. If it's sacred, it's sacred.
But thanks for the "My God can beat up your God" talk... Always nice to see that humility before the Lord... (Clue... God & faith ain't clubs with which to beat your fellow man... I'm glad your God makes you feel powerful 'n' all, but being all belligerent & holier-than-thou (literally) about it don't impress me in the slightest.) We all have our own relationships with our faith, and I can assure you that you haven't got any more of a lock on the one true path than any of the rest of us, whatever you may think...
Am I a United States citizen?
It’s true I was born in Colorado Springs, or so they tell me, but on the
other hand Trump issued the following executive order today: Sec. 2.
Policy. (a)...
4 hours ago
The reason for the policy, Reppy, is that you became obssessed, posting four or five comments in a row earlier this year. Mamapajamas doesn't do that, hence the differentiation in your case.
Don't be so quick to come to conclusions. I'm not deleting you as much as ignoring you...
As I recall, it wasn't so much obsessed as the fact that I fell behind in a thread, and answered several other comments in a row. (That, and I do tend to be longer-winded than some... If I find several pieces of evidence refuting or backing a point, I try to offer 'em all.)
As far as your ignoring me, I have noticed... Funny that it frequently seems to be after I've offered those several pieces of evidence refuting your points, though... Odd, that.
I was a bit curious why you chose to simply say i'd gone off the deep end, rather than offering anything in the way of substance in your reply to the comment with my questions in the original thread... One might've thought you'd take a shot at answering them, considering that you'd already chosen not to ignore me, that time... If I thought you would've permitted me more comment space there, I might've asked... But since you're here... Anything in reply to my questions?
Reppy: Do you actually work? I mean, really do you have job and support yourself meaningfully? Or do your parents pay your way? You're not out of the house yet, are you?
I debated you in that thread a few days back at great opportunity costs. I'd debate you if I had time, but of course this is just one more chance for you to get a little dig in.
I responded to your dumb rant about Obama's Youth, which was totally - TOTALLY - satire. My posting it means nothing more than I found it amusing. You're reaching, but see what I wrote at the post. The left's got the market cornered on secular demonology. I can post every day on something new, but it gets old sometimes. You live for denying it, so that's your play, I guess.
Reppy: Do you actually work? I mean, really do you have job and support yourself meaningfully? Or do your parents pay your way? You're not out of the house yet, are you?
The personal smear is kinda lame & uncalled for, Donnie... Kinda indicates that you have nothing to say on the issue.
But yes, I work... I have a wife, own my own home, and I work. Times are a little tough just now, as my company is closing up shop at year's end (Thanks to that great Bush economy), but as of now anyway, I am living the American dream, just like you and millions of other Americans, right & left...
(Now, I trust you won't toss that bullshit slur out again... (If you do, you'll prove yourself to be more of an ass than even I thought possible...))
I debated you in that thread a few days back at great opportunity costs. I'd debate you if I had time, but of course this is just one more chance for you to get a little dig in.
You did post a line about my "losing it," yes... If that was the whole of your argument, it was kinda weak, in my humble... If all you have time for is unsubstantiated allegations & namecalling, you might wish to consider having better facts before posting... When you post inaccurate info & someone calls you on it, you ought to find the time to correct the inaccuracy or prove you're right... But if you can't or won't (whether it be due to time or to ability), I cannot help you...
I responded to your dumb rant about Obama Youth, which was totally - TOTALLY - satire. My posting it means nothing more than I found it amusing.
It is satire. It is also really, really offensive, as both me on the left, and Critical Thinker on the right, pointed out. The fact that you find comparing kids singing about Obama to Hitler youth, together with some faux news article about kids murdering rightwingers amusing rather than offensive, speaks to what I said the first time... You're really no better than those offensive liberals you constantly rail against... If you think "they did it too!!" or "but they're worse!!!" is a suitable defense, you just stick with that... I said my piece... You can keep being amused by such filth if you wish...
But as I tried to imply the first time, perhaps you ought to think about & reply to CT's Comments, rather than to mine... As he is a fellow Republican, you'll have to do better than simply calling him a nihilist radical & dismissing what he actually writes... ...should you be man enough to reply to him at all, that is...
I hope you'll consider it...
Reppy: A wife? A home? Wow, a man of true bourgeois leasure. I'm impressed. You're in New York too, right? How was the vacation at the Hamptons?
Look, if you and C.T. think the image is offensive, fine. That doesn't make it any less satirical. It hit pretty close to home, however, and Byrd discusses the point in the essay, so it's not as if there's no tie in between the satire and the commentary. In fact, that's exactly why you're upset about it.
What's great about the People's Cube is how accurate are most of the lampoons. The Dems are an easy target, and notice how you don't criticize your nihilist allies for their campaign of evil now assaulting the GOP ticket.
"If you think "they did it too!!" or "but they're worse!!!" is a suitable defense, you just stick with that..."
Also, if you believe that calling something satire makes that thing (as well as those who propagate & defend it) less offensive, I cannot help you. All I can do is tell you that I disagree...
As for Byrd and her essay, I think one has to be a Con to buy what she's selling. It doesn't hit close to home. It doesn't ring true. She herself knows how folks outside of her circle will take her words; Fear mongering. She is right. The only thing she doesn't seem to realize is that few outside her target audience share her fears. Those folks -- your folks -- are already supporting McCain over Obama.
The rest - be they liberals like me, or middle of the roaders - are not scared of Obama. They don't see the radical, nihilist, socialist so-n-so that you & Byrd see. They see a Democrat, no more or less scary than every other Democrat who has served in their lifetimes. Whether or not you folks are right about Ayres, Rezko, & the rest (& of course I don't think you are) much of the public sees all that as partisan fear mongering for political gain, and do not take any of it seriously (just as they don't take those on the left seriously when they trot out the "fascist" meme about Republicans...)
Obama's been out there being vetted for too long for many to buy into the idea that he is dangerous. If they don't believe it by now, chances are slim that they ever will. And continually going out & shaking your fists at the sky, cursing any & every one who doesn't see what you see, makes you look like those "The end is nigh" guys with the tinfoil hats. Which is to say, entertaining, but not very believable.
Even people who believe that the media leans left have a whole lotta trouble accepting that there is some kinda conspiracy to keep the facts about Obama from the American people, and that while so many of us are duped, a small band of Con bloggers can alone see the real truth that the lib'rul media is hiding... In short, you folks need a new act. New facts. America has seen your case up to now, and they don't buy it. You're speaking a foreign language (or we are.) Yelling it louder &/or more often isn't going to help.
All that is to say that your theory about my being upset because Byrd has anyone pegged is poppycock. America's heard it all before. They are not impressed.
The people's cube isn't all that different from Byrd or your blog. All of you agree with & echo each other, and then use each other to prove how right you all are...
"I believe X, and I must be right, because TownHall wrote the same thing. And check out this fake ad from People's Cube. By Jebus, they agree with me, too."
The problem is, there is a wide world outside of that echo chamber that doesn't see things just as you do. For them, you are no more or less accurate than Byrd's Town Hall, who is no more or less accurate than People's Cube, who is no more or less accurate than you are. Like it or not, they see your mutual admiration society circle jerk for what it is...
notice how you don't criticize your nihilist allies for their campaign of evil now assaulting the GOP ticket.
Notice we're talking about a post you made, and not anyone else's. Two (or more) wrongs are still wrongs individually... (Do you really think "But, they're worse!!!" is actually a good defense? Man up & take responsibility for your own actions, rather than pointing at others & their actions. If you steal 50 bucks, pointing to a guy who stole $75.00 doesn't make you any less guilty of stealing the $50.00.)
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