Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Just Buy the State and Then Do What You Want with It

So the Koches and the Romneys are in big for Mitch McConnell:

In the audio recording, Sen. McConnell says everything that the Koch brothers want to hear. At the beginning of his remarks, he gushes to the brothers: "I don't know where we'd be without you."

That's sweet. Not to be outdone:

Mitt Romney is coming to Kentucky to raise money for U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, the latest in a string of high-profile politicians getting in on one of the country's most competitive midterm races.

What does a senator have to do to have so many sugar daddies?   


bjkeefe said...

What does a senator have to do to have so many sugar daddies?

Not much, if said senator is a Republican: gotta be someone in there to carry their water, now that they are willing to admit even in public that their great plan of firing up "the base" has come back to bite them so hard.

Robert What? said...

Actually the wealthiest people in the country are far more likely to be liberal Democrats and contribute to big government, leftist causes. The Koch brothers are an aberration.

bjkeefe said...

Ah, that explains it! No wonder we have such a progressive income tax! No wonder universal health care was passed so easily! No wonder the EPA has been fully empowered to address global warming! No wonder all those banksters went to jail after crashing the global economy in 2008! No wonder unions are thriving!

Robert What? said...

Sorry, maybe I'm slow, but I'm not following. Sounds like you are saying leftists want one thing and conservatives want another, but blast if I can figure out which is which. For example, the EPA addressing a problem that doesn't exist. Who wants it and are they getting it?