Wednesday, July 9, 2008

American Power: Left-Wing Media Refuses to Identify Disgraced Democrat by Party

American Power: Left-Wing Media Refuses to Identify Disgraced Democrat by Party

Actually, Don, this kind of error is pretty common... (As I'm sure you already know, since you deleted the following comment about it...)

I hope you'll write a post about all these errors, too... (As you implied HERE, according to you, one must address ALL such situations, or one risks being labeled a hypocrite by addressing only one. See: CodePink 4th of July Demo post, and 07.07.08 - 7:51 pm comment, assuming Don doesn't delete that, too)

News Hounds: FOX misidentifies Lamar Alexander as Democrat

Daily Kos: More Fox efforts to tar Dems with Foley

Media Matters - In recent weeks, media outlets have misidentified as Democrats several Republicans facing scandal, poor poll numbers

Three's the limit with HaloScan... But I could probably post a few more sets of three, if need be...

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