...here in America.
If you wish to understand this post, go to the following link. It disgusts me, and I won't have the poster's words on my blog. (Nothing xxx obscene, & no nasty pictures of death & dying... Just a blatent disrespect for folks unlike herself that I find worse than your average pornographic picture.) ((My dad had the same philosophy... He was real strict about violent TV, but didn't have much of an issue with sexual content in shows. I think he figured that in the right circumstances, sex is a good thing, and he hoped that both of his sons would do that as often as possible... Violence is much less often good, and I think he hoped we'd never see any more of it than was absolutely necessary.))
Curtains...: TOO CLOSE TO HOME
I understand that Muslims (Muzzies? What the hell is "muzzies?") are different from us Christians & Jews that dominate this country. But whatever happened to the freedom to practice one's religion? Do some really need to make fun of the rules Muslims follow in preparation for prayer? Is that really how far down the ladder some have sunk?
UPDATE: Went to find a less biased source for the story than WorldnetDaily, and instead found this: Airport Debunks Islamic Footwashing Myth - News Story - KMBC Kansas City.
So, not only is the poster of that story kind of a racist, she's also inaccurate.
The Disappearance of Mahmoud Khalil
On Saturday, ICE arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist who led
demonstrations on the Columbia University campus. He is a graduate student
at Co...
2 hours ago
Every time I go to some wingnut's site they are always "prove to me Islam isn't a religion of hate." on this subject.
...but I don't want to because I don't want to read the Koran and all that. and they call me names and ban me from commenting.
I know Christians have a reputation too.
I'm with you my monkey friend...
Some Cons have a habit of wanting you to prove they're statements and prejudices are wrong, rather then their proving themselves right.
That website is INSANE! The entertainment value is huge: the assertions on it are SO STUPID, the thinking so base, and the racism so rampant.
It's a good thing they're all supporting Tancredo for president. LOL. Will i ever stop laughing at that idea?.. No. :)
Yes indeed, me... That particular site is one of the stranger ones, as far as the reluctance to indulge thought as opposed to raw emotional hate for those among their fellow man that don't share their views...
I'm more saddened than entertained by 'em, unfortunately... (Of course, I still visit... It's like a car accident... you almost can't look away, no matter how hard you try...)
Of course, it does lead me to more reasonable folks, like you 8>)
Thanks for the compliment. If you want to see some super-serious straight up racism, read the comments here, from Farmer John:
He's advocating eugenics solutions for black people!!!!!!!!!
Oh ME, oh my...
I had to stop reading the Farmer part way through... He was making my head hurt with that foolishness. The other one (xerxes, or whatever) was wrong, but at least s/he had a cogent point.
The problem, I think, is that there is no one reason that the statistics for success are what they are, when looked at racially. It's racism (& classism, learned helplessness, and the way we define success in the first place), but it's poor choices, too. Individuals are affected in individual ways, but as taken as groups, whites do better than blacks, and men do better than women. Denying that discrimination plays a part in that is as silly as blaming discrimination for it to the exclusion of all else.
That argument that "if 13% of the population is black, 13% of doctors should be black" was wrong, of course. Barring other factors, if 13% of the US population is black, 13% of those we judge successful should be black, and 13% of those we judge unsuccessful should be black, as well. To the extent those statistics vary from reality, one or more other factors are at play.
I'll read up, but I doubt that a disparity of innate intelligence between the races is one of those factors. Racism (including the racism that suggests a disparity in the innate intelligence between the races) probably is. Learned helplessness probably is. Cultural differences probably play a part. And yes, personal responsibility is more'n'likely also a factor.
The way I see it, there's no reason not to instill good values *AND* combat racism & poverty in society. There's no reason to just pick one & ignore the rest.
Did you get to Farmer's ultimate suggestion about how to get black people out of their rut, as it were?
Farmer Writes:
"And the nature problem can only be solved eugenically in a way that "rewards" high IQ blacks for having a high level of fertility and discourages fertility in the less intelligent. That and a high rate of high IQ white inter-racial marriage, hopefully breeding high IQ with low IQ physical strength. Of course, the breeding remedy would be frowned upon, but effective in eliminating racial differences. (Plato, "Republic")"
I was shocked, I still am.
I'm with ya, me...
Kinda makes you wonder what that guy farms, anyway...
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